“Motivation to study and youth unemployment”

The National Multiplier Meeting on “Motivation to study and youth unemployment” of the EiYou! Educational Innovation facing Youth Unemployment  Project will be held  30 June 2016 in the Seconda

Training tools for a “resilient” community

4th Meeting of the CP MODEL project. The Partners meet in Villa Montesca by the headquarters of Fondazione Hallgarten Franchetti Centro Studi Villa Montesca to discuss about what has been done so far in each co

“Innovation in European Adult Education”: General Assembly and Annual Conference 2016 in Brussels

The General Assembly and Annual Conference 2016 “Innovation in European Adult Education” will be held in Brussels, Belgium on 28 and 29 June 2016 . In the evening of 28 June,  The European Associa

3rd International Conference of the European Anti-Bullying Network(EAN) “Exchanging good practices among member countries”

The 3rd International Conference of the European Anti-Bullying Network (EAN) will be held in St. Julian’s in Malta on 24 June 2016, hosted by the EAN member from Malta, Families for Lifelong Learning. The Pr

Notice to identify a responsible Legal expert

It’s availabel the call for the identification of a legal expert in charge of the “Privacy policy pursuant to art. D.Lgs.196 29/2003 “designated pursuant to paragraph 2, art. 29 of the Privacy