The disorder of the dyspraxia in the pupils: workshop in Villa Montesca

The second meeting of the Dyspraxiatheca – Digital library for dyspraxic education Project will take place in Città di Castello, Italy, on 10-11/05/2017. The project funded in the framework of the Erasmus

Developing models based on the “life skills” for preventing and fighting early school leaving: stakeholders forum in Perugia

The “stakeholders forum” of the  SCHOOL STILL PLAYS  project will take place in Perugia (Italy) on 07 April 2017 hosted by Provincia di Perugia – P.zza Italia, Sala Pagliacci II Piano

Enhancing entrepreneurship in young people: final conference of SC2BC Project in Netherland

The Final Conference of the  SC2BC From School Class to Business Class  project will take place in Veghel (Netherland) on 31 March 2017 hosted by Fioretti College. From School Class to Business Class (SC2BC)