The Transnational Conference of the Erasmus Plus Project EiYou! Educational innovation facing Youth Unemployment will be held  25 May 2016 in the Auditorium of Sant’Antonio in Città di Castello from 9,30 am to 12,30 am.

The Conference will take place in two parts, an introduction by the:

 Mayor of Città di Castello

 President of the Foundation Hallgarten Franchetti Centro Studi Villa Montesca, Angelo Capecci

Attending the conference will be the project partners, who are representatives of the European Schools involved, they will bring their experiences with students. They are:

 Pedro Mota Curto – Agrupamento Escolas Figueira Mar, Portugal

 Clara Rodrigues – Future Balloons, Portugal

 Ugur Demir – Nigde National Education Directorate, Turkey

 Melinda Vàrfi – presente!, Austria

 Bruno Jerkusic – Croatian Youth Association, Croatia

 Joel Josephson – Kindersite, UK.

In addition, the directors of the schools of Città di Castello will be presenting during the Conference and short interviews with students who participated in the trip to Figueira da Foz in Portugal, will be given. The morning will be interspersed with videos and music by the students.

The conference will continue in the afternoon, from 16:00 to 18:00, at the Villa Montesca, when a Workshop will be held:

‘Project EiYoU!: experiences and innovative teaching methods to increase the motivation to learn and help students to feel involved in their own future’.

The Workshop is open to teachers who participated in the visits to Austria, Croatia and Portugal, school directors, teachers and stakeholders interested in exchanging ideas on education and new teaching approaches.


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