On 26 January 2017, Villa Montesca Foundation attended the Project Coordinators Meeting organized by the European Commission and the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA)  in Brussels. The meeting is a kick-off meeting for projects selected in the framework of Erasmus Plus Programme – KA2 – Sector Skills Alliances in vocational education and training . The project represented by Villa Montesca Foundation was the  project entitled ASAP “Anticipatory Skills for Adapting the Publishing sector”. The meeting has been designed to provide coordinators with detailed information on administrative and financial aspects of the management of their projects and to facilitate networking among participants (presentation of projects, exchange of good practices, challenges in project management).

ASAP takes into account the impact of the changes in the competences and skill, proposes an evolutionary map of the skill needs and designs and delivers flexible training programmes (one for each area of the publishing supply chain) that, according to EQF/ECVET standards and also establishing the quality principles of the EQAVET framework, will provide employees, but also unemployed, self-employed, low skilled employees and young VET students the opportunity to update their professional skills and knowledge covering the gap related to the lack of specific skills determined by the “digital revolution”. The project expects to promote a wide cooperation among the different stakeholders using a participatory portal and a MOOC (Massive Open Online Platform) platform for making the contents at the disposal of a massive target group (it can become the first MOOC of the Publishing Sector), also after the forma end of the project.

Category: In the spotlight , News and Events