Notizie ed Eventi (Page 25)

The European workshop of the CRISS Project “Demonstration of a scalable and cost-effective cloud-based digital learning infrastructure through the Certification of digital competences in primary and secondary schools” took place in London (UK) on 3-4 and 5/07/2017 . The project has been funded by the European Commission in the framework of the   Horizon2020 -ICT Programme. TheLeggi di più ..

The second meeting of the consortium of the project “LIFE Learning Interculturality From rEligion” will take place in Zaragoza, Spain on 19-20/06/2017 hosted by the Fundacion Universidad San Jorge to discuss on the results of the national researches and on the organization of the forthcoming actions of training for teachers and short term exchangeLeggi di più ..

The Final Conference of the WERUN  project will take place in Burgos (Spain) on 07 and 08 June 2017 hosted by SODEBUR. WOMEN IN EUROPE – NEW YELDS OF EMPLOYMENT IN RURAL AREAS is an initiative funded under Erasmus Plus programme and developed with the collaboration of partners coming from Spain, Bulgaria, Austria, Czechoslovakia, France and Italy. Background ideaLeggi di più ..