European Projects (Page 8)

OBJECTIVES To promote social inclusion, tolerance, non-discrimination and other factors that prevent violence in school through an innovative approach known as Quiet Time, which uses the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique To adapt and transfer the chosen good practice in 3 countries (Nederland, Sweden and Portugal), targeting schools with minority studentsLeggi di più ..

CP MODEL Civil Protection Massive Open Developed E-Learning The CPMODEL project aims to define resilience strategies and increase the ability of municipalities to become “communities”, to spread knowledge, practices and the creation of a broad learning strategy for resilient learning communities and self-resistant communities. In this framework the main productsLeggi di più ..

EVANDE – Enhancing Volunteer Awareness and education against Natural Disasters though E-learning Il progetto EVANDE (Enhancing Volunteer Awareness and education against Natural Disasters through E-learning – Migliorare la conoscenza e l’educazione dei volontari contro i disastri naturali attraverso l’E-learning) si pone l’obiettivo di creare un nuovo strumento di insegnamento perLeggi di più ..

SEE Safeguarding Educational Environment (Project Coordinators) – 2012 The SEE project foresees two research activities: Research on Existing Web and e-learning tools related to the safeguard of the environment Research on Best practices collection related to Civil protection web and learning tools addressed to schools  Leggi di più ..

WOMEN IN EUROPE – NEW FIELDS OF EMPLOYMENT IN RURAL AREAS è un progetto della durata di due anni finanziato dal programma Erasmus Plus che si pone l’obiettivo di offrire nuovi strumenti  e opportunità alle donne adulte che vivono nelle zone rurali, migliorando le loro qualifiche e, quindi, il loroLeggi di più ..