Conferenza Internazionale “Il bullismo fuori dalla classe: nuove teorie e strategie per prevenire il cyberbullismo e contrastare l’hate speech” a Villa Montesca venerdì 22 settembre 2017 ore 9,30

Conferenza Internazionale “Il bullismo fuori dalla classe: nuove teorie e strategie per prevenire il cyberbullismo e contrastare l’hate speech” a Villa Montesca venerdì 22 settembre 2017 ore 9,30


It is our great pleasure to announce the 4th International Conference of the European Anti-Bullying Network (EAN) that will be held in Città di Castello in Italy on 22 September 2017, hosted by EAN member from Italy Centro Studi Villa Montesca.

The event will bring together EAN member organizations, public officials and institutional actors from Italy, academia, members of the European Parliament and representatives of local and regional authorities as well as professionals active in the field of child protection and children’s rights.

The aim of the conference is to explore new forms of bullying outside the school classrooms from cyberbullying to hate speech, existing tools of prevention and intervention, anti-bullying programs, legal instruments and measures as well as showcase its dire consequences for children and the youth and the need for a common strategy and response on a European scale.

Keynote speaker of the conference will be Prof. Peter K. Smith, Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of London who will present the cross-national differences in bullying and tools of measurement and analysis.

A series of thematic topics on the non-traditional new forms of bullying and school violence will be presented and discussed among the participants of the conference. They will focus primarily on aspects of these forms, legal and judicial instruments, tools of prevention and intervention as well as the need for common certified procedures in schools.

The EAN conference will be preceded the day before (21 September) by EAN’s Board of Directors and General Assembly meetings.

Learn more about the conference at its website

Download here  the agenda of the Conference

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