DesinfoEND – Supporting vulnerable populations in combating disinformation and improving social participation

DesinfoEND – Supporting vulnerable populations in combating disinformation and improving social participation

The main purpose of this project is to promote the social inclusion of adults in a vulnerable situation through the acquisition of critical thinking and digital and media literacy skills.


1. Strengthen social inclusion and active digital participation in society of vulnerable groups, with the implementation of the Dialogic Media and Digital Literacy Gatherings.

2. Transfer the Dialogic Media and Digital Literacy methodology to tackling disinformation in adult education with an intercultural and inter-generational approach.

3. Promote common EU values and critical civic engagement and participation.


1) Toolkit for inclusive and participative ICT and Media Literacy training
2) Training of adult education professionals and volunteers on how to combat disinformation in their ICT courses and/or courses of others

Target Groups

  • Vulnerable populations: Unemployed adults, people with lower level of education, people aged 55+
  • Organisations in the field of adult education, culture, and social affairs.
  • Adult education providers and learners, researchers
  • Teachers, researchers, publisher
  • National and European policy makers


Coordinator  Asociacion de Personas Participantes AGORA (Spain)
