Promoting training activities addressed to teachers and students to prevent the bullying phenomenon: let’s start the “ABC project” training in Palermo

Promoting training activities addressed to teachers and students to prevent the bullying phenomenon: let’s start the “ABC project” training in Palermo

The first training activities related to the ABC – Anti-Bullying Certification Project will take place in Palermo from the 24th to the 28th September 2018. The training will be addressed to students and teachers, from 5 different countries (Italy, Spain, Greece, The Netherland and United Kingdom) that will meet in Palermo to exchange on bullying and achieve a common methodology to prevent the phenomenon. Based on listening, self-reflection and group building process, the training program for students and teachers both will be followed by two meetings in Liverpool and Brussels, at the end of which an anti-bullying certification will be issued as synonymous with the skills and qualities required and achieved by teachers to counteract bullying.
ABC intends to fight against social inclusion and create more safety in schools supporting teachers in developing competences to deal with conflict, bullying, social exclusion and discrimination, with special attention to minors groups.