Promoting social inclusion, tolerance and non-discrimination at school with the Transcendental Meditation: European workshop in Faro

Promoting social inclusion, tolerance and non-discrimination at school with the Transcendental Meditation: European workshop in Faro

The European workshop of the EUROPE Project “Ensuring Unity and Respect as Outcomes for the People of Europe” will take place in Faro (Portugal) on 04-05-06/12/2017 . The project has been funded by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission in the framework of the  Erasmus Plus Programme Key Action 3: Support for policy reform.

The EUROPE project focuses on the implementation in a broader European context of a novel approach, known as the Quiet Time programme based on Transcendental Meditation (Quiet Time/TM) for schools, that has the potential to contribute to National and European strategies in answer to the Paris Declaration, being a whole-school proven approach for promoting social inclusion, tolerance, non-discrimination, personal development and other factors that prevent violent extremism, and to lead to a mainstreaming roadmap for evidence based policy actions/guidance at European and National level, thus helping to foster the role of education in promoting equality, social cohesion, nurturing mutual respect and embedding fundamental values in society.

This original, unconventional, pioneering, learner-centred approach in the field of education, training and youth, addresses the root-cause of negative attitudes and violence and promotes tolerance amongst diverse populations by promoting the psycho-physiological well-being of students, including those with disadvantaged backgrounds, and by allowing the experience of profound inner peace and calmness, thereby providing participants with the unifying experience of the source of all diversity. The Quiet Time/TM programme is easy to implement at all levels of education, easy to learn and religion and philosophy neutral.

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