sCOOL – IT Innovative ICT-based training approach to reshape school education and training

sCOOL – IT Innovative ICT-based training approach to reshape school education and training

sCOOL-IT will develop educational resources and tools for 6 school subjects applicable and relevant to schools across the EU. Its main goal is to create an innovative ICT challenge-based training approach aimed at supporting educators in the process of conveying knowledge, promoting the development of key competences (digital, science, mathematical, etc.) among their students with regards to boosting their performance in these fields and enhancing their digital skills.


  • Promote high school students’ digital skills using a challenge-based digital training approach in general school subjects;

  • Equip secondary school teachers with innovative ICT challenge-based training materials, to enrich their pedagogic approach;

  • Help educators to create own innovative challenge-based teaching resources through the use of ICT.

Project Outcomes & Results

The Intellectual Outputs

  • IO1: sCOOL-IT Web Adventure Portal            

Online tool with WebQuests in 6 main fields that are addressed by secondary school education across Europe.

  • IO2: Comprehensive training programme    

Teachers and educators will enrich their teaching approach by using the sCOOL-IT WebQuests.

  • IO3: Web Adventure Development Toolkit              

A comprehensive guide for teachers and educators on how to develop their own webquests on different topics.

Who will benefit?   

Secondary school teachers & headmasters

Secondary school students


 Go to the project website