16-17 July 2019: 2 days training activities for teachers and educators coming from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Spain, Netherlands to implement educational activities to promote prosociality in classroom.

16-17 July 2019: 2 days training activities for teachers and educators coming from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Spain, Netherlands to implement educational activities to promote prosociality in classroom.

16-17 July 2019: 2 days training activities for teachers and educators coming from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Spain, Netherlands to implement educational activities to promote prosociality in classroom.

Teachers and educators with competences of teaching in secondary school in Countries with various and different institutional contexts attended the activities, exchanging knowledge and educational experiences. The purpose of the Summer School is to promote an innovative didactic methodology to enhance the prosociality in classroom and to establish the first european network of the educating communities. The amis of the project is establish a Network of local educating communities (EC) at EU level for promoting social inclusion, for combating discrimination and for exchanging experiences. The role of the ECs is creating an “educative village” where all members are called to contribute to the education of the youngsters.