The Department of Political Sciences of the University of Perugia studies politics in all its different aspects and developments. This research area calls for a plurality of approaches, from political science to history, sociology, law, economics and linguistics. It is through the dialogue and effective interaction between these disciplinary fields that politics can be interpreted and acted upon thanks to the theoretical or practical contribution each of them can offer. The Department has a strong commitment to local communities, for instance it instituted one of the first School for Social Workers in Italy, and it also has an international vocation, with a long tradition of welcoming foreign students and scholars.

The Department of Political Science is part of a network of similar institutions in Europe. With regard to the object of their studies, the political sciences concern themselves with the transformations of contemporary societies as well as of international relations, offering research, data and tools which contribute to their interpretation and governance. In relation to its methodology, the Department promotes an interdisciplinary approach, through research teams working dynamically and non-exclusively on specific topics.

Research feeds into quality teaching, while, in its turn, teaching stimulates research. Students can enjoy the added value of approaching the political sciences through a multidisciplinary approach, choosing from three undergraduate programs, four graduate programs, and a PhD program in Politics, public policy and globalization.

To foster research and teaching activities, the Department promotes the participation of its faculty to international research programs and promotes international exchanges of students and teachers, both within the Erasmus network and with universities outside Europe.

The Department of Political Sciences of the University of Perugia (Italy) is among the 180 Departments of Excellence chosen for 2018-2022. The selection has been carried out at the national level based on the results gained by the Department in the field of scientific research and of a five-years development project labelled LEPA, LEgality and PArticipation.