Centro Studi Villa Montesca organizes a course on ‘Participatory Video as a tool for integration and multiculturalism’ within the new EU Programme Erasmus+. The course is addressed to students, learners, teaching and support staff working in schools, higher education [...]
The participatory video film “Between worlds” of Germany with a group of Turkish immigrant women of three different generations in our VISTA project has its premiere tonight at 22.30 on the nrwision interactive internet television channel.It is on the program [...]
Participatory video for the social inclusion of adults with social and personal hardness. At the end of the meeting the final documentary about the laboratories applying the Participatory Video that have been realized in all the partner countries along the [...]
National Conference in Italy – “The Participatory Video for strengthening interpersonal and social competencies” The Conference is held at the University of Perugia, by the Faculty of pedagogy, with Alberto Fabi, the Director of the Vista Video Dossier.
Fourth project meeting in Athens by the National School of Public Health (www.esdy.edu.gr) . The Partners of the VISTA project meet to discuss about the activities they have realized and the results achieved in the Workshops for trainers that have [...]
Beginning of the Pilot Workshop of the VISTA project in Spain with a group of 12 long-term unemployed
Greece – Beginning of the EU laboratory in Greece with the group of adults with physical disabilities. Dissemination on national newspapers. On the 23rd January 2013 also aRadio broadcast on the theme is held at the ERA PURGOU NATIONAL RADIO [...]
Vilnius, Lithuania – Pilot Workshop with the Expert Lisa Glahn in the House of National Communities. In the pilot workshop trainers and experts who are directly working with Roma groups took part.
Dortmund, Germany – Pilot workshop for the training of teachers, adult educators and facilitators on the method of participatory video. Lisa Glahn, filmmaker and PV expert was the Trainer of the workshop.
Presentation of the VISTA project and the results achieved so far to the local press in the presence of Member of European Parliament Mr. Rapkay. Press conference organized by Chancengleich in Europa e.V.
VISTA partneriai susitiks Knowledge Dock verslo centre, Rytų Londono universitete, tam, kad pasidalintų savo nuomonėmis ir idėjomis apie kitas projekto fazes. Jie ypatingą dėmesį skirs pargrindinėms veikloms, susijusioms su video kūrimo kartu apmokymo medžiaga ir pirmosiomis sesijomis lekoriams, prižiūrėtojams, mokytojams, [...]
CH-EU interviu su Lisa Glahn, video kūrimo kartu eksperte iš my-View Kiolne (interviu pamatyti galima VISTA youtube kanale, ir taip pat my-View internetiniame puslapyje www.myview-video.de). Lisa Glahn taip pat dalyvaus trečiame partnerių susitikime Londone, spalio 15 – 16 dieną, 2012 [...]
Rugpjūčio 28d. PATER (teritorinis įdarbinimo paktas Riberos apylinkėje) į savo apmokymų programą įtrauks video kūrimo kartu metodą. Savo ekspertizę jie panaudos europiniame VISTA projekte tam, kad metodą įtrauktų į savo siūlomus kursus ir sesijas. Tam, kad būtų išnaudotos video kūrimo [...]
Liepos 24d. – Fernanda Baumhardt, brazilė filmų kūrėja, naudoja video kūrimo artu metodą savo patirčiai Afrikoje papasakoti. Vietinės bendruomenės kalba apie savo problemas, sukeltas klimato pokyčių ir kaip jie sugbėjo su jomis susidoroti. Video tikslas – pasidalinti patirtimis ir skatinti [...]
Liepos 22d. – Bolivijos fondas FAN ,,Fundacion amigos de la naturaleza” gauna pasaulio švietėjų apdovanojimą iš IUNC (tarptautinė sąjunga gamtos apsaugai) už savo akciją dėmesiui atkreipti, sukurtą video kūrimo kartu metodu. Ūkininkai iš Postrervalle pasakoja apie savo problemas ir iššūkius, [...]