Integrated Risk Assessment for the Petra Development and Tourism Region.

SOURCE(S): United Nations Development Program (UNDP-Jordan), 2012

‘This project is conducted under the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP-Jordan), in the context of developing Building Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity with the Petra Development and Tourism Region Authority (PDTRA).
The study area is Wadi Musa region. It is the name of a town located in the Ma’an Governorate in southern Jordan north east of Petra, east of the Wadi Araba (The southern part of the Jordan Rift and the Dead Sea Transform Fault) and south east of the Dead Sea (The middle part of the Jordan Rift). The town is about 250 km from Amman, Jordan’s capital, and 100 km north of the city of Aqaba (Figure 1-1). The study area was divided into 818 geo units as shown in appendix 1-1. The study area located at a latitude 30.29-30.35N and longitude 35.44-35.51E (WGS84-Decimal). The elevation of the study area varies from 400m above mean sea level (m.s.l.) in the discharge area downstream of the study area to about 1365m above m.s.l in the recharge area near Shoubak with an average elevation about 950 m above m.s.l. It is the nearest town to the archaeological site of Petra and hosts many hotels and restaurants for tourists visiting this place….’

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