Introduction You are about to read a story, but not a normal story: here the protagonist is you!
“THEY DIDN'T DO IT!” you will have to pretend to be Demetrio, a 12 year old boy who lives in Florence in 1464 with his family: his father, mother and uncle. You decide what to do as the story progresses. The outcome of your story will depend on your choices.
Start from the first paragraph 'Here the adventure begins'.
At the bottom you find a choice: depending on what you decide you are sent to a different paragraph and the story continues in a different way. Even at the end of this paragraph you will find various possibilities: and so, one choice after another, the story develops following the thread of your decisions and preferences. It can end in various ways: if you don't like the conclusion, you can delete everything on your card and start over. Things will probably take a different course and you will read a different story.
If you have solved everything optimally, at the end you will be told that you did it 'in the best way': otherwise it means that you could have done better. But don't be discouraged: getting to the best result is not easy and it may take several attempts.
While reading the book, it is sometimes necessary to mark some letters on a card: in this online version the game itself will automatically mark them in a special space at the bottom of the page.
Some choices may depend on which letters have been marked: be very careful to follow the instructions!
The 'Read more' button takes you to short informative texts on various aspects of the era in which the game takes place and Jewish culture.
If you want to satisfy some curiosity arising from the game, try clicking on the titles of the various boxes.
Access To play, you must log in or create an account by simply entering your email and entering your name.